Sunday, July 15, 2007

To our soldiers who gave their lives in Basilan and elsewhere

Our dear soldiers, strong and true
Forever we shall remember you
You who protect us in war and strife
Now you are bodies bereft of life

You whose deaths fill us all with pain
We won’t forget you, you shall remain
In our hearts and in our minds
To your sacrifice we shall not be blind

Against our enemies who know no rules
You tread the path even feared by fools
Where barbarians severed your hands and heads
Though you still be living or already dead
Thinking you’ll merit a place in hell
But your spirits have risen wherever you fell
And they have entered God’s/Allah’s holy throne
Where you are most worthy of a place of your own

And as we wail and shed our tears
We shall not waver, we shall not fear
Because your widows and orphans cry
“Papa gave all so the Republic won’t die!”

And for this land that we must save
We shall not falter, we shall be brave
For though the fighting has yet to be won
So that this country may remain as one
Rest now our soldiers, we say unto you
Your duty is done while ours continue
And though this nation will grieve its loss
We know you’ve died for a most noble cause

We commend you now to hallowed ground
Where your brethren of valor and honor abound
And after the parades and the speeches are done
The gratitude of your people shall never be gone


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